Translation/transcreation/translation proofreading:
Regular work:
- Translation, transcreation and adaption of internal and external business communication, info and marketing ressources for Carlson Wagonlit Travel (Business Travel Management).
- Translation, transcreation and adaption of internal and external business communication, info and marketing ressources for SolarWinds (Managed Services, IT management, network security) – via translation agency.
- Translation of texts for the knowledge database SAP Notes dealing with description and troubleshooting of technical problems of SAP systems, landscapes and integrations (via SAP Language Service Partner).
- Translation of user/training manuals for SAP solution providers (via SAP Language Service Partner).
- Translation and editing of technical and marketing texts for several IT software and solution providers for: business process management, ERP, e-commerce, online/video conferencing technology, contact center technology and chatbot integration, AI integrations, Identity and Access Management (via several translation agencies).
- Deutsche Börse Photography Prize: translation of the nominated candidates’ biographies and of essays on their work (as from 2014, annually).
Individual projects:
- Sandow Birk: The Depravities of War. HuiPress, Makawao/Hawaii 2007 (co-translation project).
- Katalog zur Ausstellung Islands and Ghettos des Heidelberger Kunstvereins, 2008 (co-translation project).
- Martin Blume und Douglas I. Bush: Vestiges. Lindemanns-Verlag, Stuttgart 2005 (co-translation project).
- Stern, S. und Seligmann E.: The Partnership Principle. New Forms of Governance in the 21st Century. Deutsche Fassung: Das Prinzip Partnerschaft – Neue Formen von Governance im 21. Jahrhundert. Piper-Verlag, München 2004 (co-translation project).
Proofreading/text optimization:
- White papers and brochures from Robert Walters Deutschland (Human Resources, Executive Professional Recruitment).
Book proofreading/final editing:
- Cantieni Benita: Faceforming mit Tigerfeeling für sie und ihn. Südwest-Verlag, München 2014.
- Cantieni Benita: Tigerfeeling – das sinnliche Beckenbodentraining für sie und ihn. Südwest-Verlag, München 2012.
- Cantieni Benita: Laufen mit Tigerfeeling für sie und ihn. Südwest-Verlag, München 2012.
- Issue 7/2011 through issue 4/2014 (print) of Internet Magazin, WEKA-Media-Verlag Haar/München (published monthly, magazine discontinued after issue 4/2014).
- Booklet of audio CD CANTIENICA©-Das Powerprogramm: Kraft, Schönheit, Beweglichkeit – all inclusive. Cantienica AG, Zürich 2009.
This text is also available in: Deutsch (German)